Featured Projects
Sample of specific projects created for our customers
Hot Tub Screen
A good customer of ours approached us with the idea of manufacturing a hotube privacy screen for his private house manufactured from stainless steel. After looking at the project we advised him that manufacturing the screen in metal would cast long shadows onto the decking and deprive him with sunlight in allot of areas.
Imtech designed and built the attached, manufactured from cast acrylic and frosted acrylic with a stainless steel wire assembley and securing feet.
This lets the sun shine through with no shadows.. Our customer was over the moon about having the Sun.. LOL.
Licence Plates
Manufacture of old Italian license plate holders in anodised aluminium.
These holders proved impossible to get for a customer of ours, who wanted to fit his vintage Prancing Horse with genuine italian plates.
So he brought the license plates to IMTech and we designed , manufactured and Anodised the holders for him.
Weld Blast Shutters
Design & Manufacture of port hole cover for auto welding machine.
Purpose was that the operator could look into the machine without getting a dangerous flash from the arcing during the welding process.